
Monday 4 March 2013

Zero G

Not generally achieveable on Earth and unable to afford the fee for the 'Vomit Comet' (oh, how I would love to do that) I settle for a deep, perfumed bath.

At the end of the day (and boy, do the ends come sooner now), I run the bath. My saviour, my soul mate, my haven; deep, hot water, bubbles, salt and candles.

Laying in the water, deep enough to float is heaven. I've always liked a bath more than a shower. Showers are too quick and you have to hop over the edge of the shower, which with one leg can have hilarious consequences (for those watching, if not me).

A bath soothes, supports, floats my boat (and my bones). It sucks the strain and stress of the day from your muscles and restores health.

Swimming is another good method. The water is not as warm and the curious looks of people as you hop on crutches to the edge of the pool can be amusing. Teenage boys, who can never resist a comment ask what happend to my leg. I always tell them that 'it was bitten off by a Great White Shark' and then died.

That generally silences them.

Many years ago, when my daughter was small, we used to swim in a friends pool at Playgroup. One day a new boy wouldn't get out of the pool. He had seen me get out and my leg was missing. Logic (alway strong in a 3 year old) indicated that if you got in the pool with 2 legs, getting out meant that one would fall off.

Every mother in the group had to jump in and out of the pool for several minutes to prove to him that legs did not fall off and he just hadn't noticed my leg was artificial.


Learning to swim took ages. Without a right leg, I had no opposite kick and for a long time, hit the pool wall every time. Eventually, after a number of black eyes and much embarrassment, I learned to balance my muscles and swim in a straight line.

Swimming helps the Arthritis too. Strengthens the muscles, improves fitness and reduces the gravitational pull of our lovely Planet.

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