
Sunday 5 May 2013

Pain Clinic

Am very excited. GP has accepted and acted on my request to be referred to the Pain Clinic. I am seeing them on Wednesday!

I had to wait 10 days to speak to her on the telephone (it has to be pre-booked) and when I spoke to her, she said she would take a few days to decide if it was necessary and then asked if I would pay privately if she didn't. I replied that I would think about that when I had her decision.

I never received her decision as promised but I have received a letter from the Pain Clinic asking me to come in on Wednesday. Which is actually amazing as she said it would be at least 6 months before I got an appointment and was actually about 6 days.

I did email them, outlining my situation and explaining that I was waiting for the GP to refer me. Perhaps that made the difference?

Who knows, whatever the reason, I am very grateful to have an appointment with such an expert team. I am hopeful that they will be able to help.

More on Wednesday ...